Vittorio Amedeo Cignaroli
(Torino, 1730-1800)
Paesaggio con ponte diroccato, pescatori e viandanti, 1760 circa
Olio su tela, 102 x 119 cm.
Nelle opere del Cignaroli la vita del ceto contadino piemontese appare ben diversa da quella reale: viene travisata per la gioia dei salotti, in una successione di pacate e graziose pastorelle, balli e cacce entro un universo primaverile perenne. Le tele di Cignaroli, infatti, non dovevano essere realistiche: dovevano presentare un mondo idealizzato e gentile, destinato ad abbellire le dimore nobiliari.
Ispirandosi alle incisioni di Gabriel Pérelle, da lui ben conosciute tramite le raccolte ereditate dal padre Scipione, integrate con dettagli tratti da incisioni di Nicolaes Berchem, Cignaroli realizza qui una tela… (vedere catalogo Giamblanco 2015)
[Arabella Cifani]
English version
(Turin, 1730 – 1800)
Landscape with fisherman and riders, 1770 circa
Oil on canvas, cm 36 x 47
Arcadia literary academy was founded in 1690 in Rome to restore an appreciation for bucolic art and poetry and, in 18th-century Piedmont, the popularity of Arcadian landscapes in the arts (of which Cignaroli was the most important painter) was boosted thanks to eager collectors who, like in the rest of Italy, turned it into something fashionable. This trend sprang and spread due to interest in interior decors, paintings, boiseries, and lambris, that fostered and strengthened Piedmont art market.
Therefore, Cignaroli became especially sought-after because he expressed a view of art that purported to represent a landscape conveying such feelings and fascinations that surpassed those experienced through nature itself. In fact, his paintings are free from any element that reminds of Nature’s transience or the passing of time. Cignaroli captures fleeting moments… (see GALLERIA GIAMBLANCO DIPINTI ANTICHI Italian Paintings of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Allemandi, 2015)
[Arabella Cifani]
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